At NOINIKO we have a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, we will gladly accept your timely return.
Please contact us by filling out the contact form, including the reason for your return and we will send you instructions on where to return it. We must receive your message within 30 days of your purchase. The items must be at least half full in order to be considered for a refund. You will receive a full refund to your credit, debit card or Paypal account for the purchase, depending on your payment method, which does not include the shipping fees. After 30 days you will receive only store credit for your returned items.
Please contact us by filling out the contact form, including the reason for your return and we will send you instructions on where to return it. We must receive your message within 30 days of your purchase. The items must be at least half full in order to be considered for a refund. You will receive a full refund to your credit, debit card or Paypal account for the purchase, depending on your payment method, which does not include the shipping fees. After 30 days you will receive only store credit for your returned items.